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The following sections describe controls available to organizations for specific AI risks.

Each control is mapped onto the corresponding risks it can address, with the exception of Governance and Assurance controls, which apply universally to all risks and every stage of the AI development process.


Privacy Enhancing Technologies

  • Control: Privacy Enhancing Technologies
  • Use technologies that minimize, de-identify, or restrict use of PII data in training or evaluating models.
  • Who can implement: Model Creators
  • Risk mapping: Sensitive Data Disclosure

Training Data Management

  • Control: Training Data Management
  • Ensure that all data used to train and evaluate models is authorized for the intended purposes.
  • Who can implement: Model Creators
  • Risk mapping: Inferred Sensitive Information

Training Data Sanitization

  • Control: Training Data Sanitization
  • Detect and remove or remediate poisoned or sensitive data in training and evaluation.
  • Who can implement: Model Creators
  • Risk mapping: Data Poisoning, Unauthorized Training Data

User Data Management

  • Control: User Data Management
  • Store, process, and use all user data (e.g. prompts and logs) from AI applications in compliance with user consent.
  • Who can implement: Model Creators, Model Consumers
  • Risk mapping: Sensitive Data Disclosure, Excessive Data Handling


Model and Data Inventory Management

  • Control: Model and Data Inventory Management
  • Ensure that all data, code, models, and transformation tools used in AI applications are inventoried and tracked.
  • Who can implement: Model Creators, Model Consumers (if storing models)
  • Risk mapping: Data and Poisoning, Model Source Tampering, Model Exfiltration

Model and Data Access Controls

  • Control: Model and Data Access Controls
  • Minimize internal access to models, weights, datasets, etc. in storage and in production use.
  • Who can implement: Model Creators, Model Consumers (if storing models)
  • Risk mapping: Data Poisoning, Model Source Tampering, Model Exfiltration

Model and Data Integrity Management

  • Control: Model and Data Integrity Management
  • Ensure that all data, models, and code used to produce AI models are verifiably integrity-protected during development and deployment.
  • Who can implement: Model Creators, Model Consumers (if storing models)
  • Risk mapping: Data Poisoning, Model Source Tampering

Secure-by-Default ML Tooling

  • Control: Secure-by-Default ML Tooling
  • Use secure-by-default frameworks, libraries, software systems, and hardware components for AI development or deployment to protect confidentiality and integrity of AI assets and outputs
  • Who can implement: Model Creators, Model Consumers (if storing models)
  • Risk mapping: Data Poisoning, Model Source Tampering, Model Exfiltration, Model Deployment Tampering


Input Validation and Sanitization

  • Control: Input Validation and Sanitization
  • Block or restrict adversarial queries to AI models.
  • Who can implement: Model Creators, Model Consumers
  • Risk mapping: Prompt Injection

Output Validation and Sanitization

  • Control: Output Validation and Sanitization
  • Block, nullify, or sanitize insecure output from AI models before passing it to applications, extensions or users.
  • Who can implement: Model Creators, Model Consumers
  • Risk mapping: Prompt Injection, Rogue Actions, Sensitive Data Disclosure, Inferred Sensitive Data

Adversarial Training and Testing

  • Control: Adversarial Training and Testing
  • Use techniques to make AI models robust to adversarial inputs (i.e. prompts) in the context of their use in applications.
  • Who can implement: Model Creators, Model Consumers
  • Risk mapping: Model Evasion, Prompt Injection, Sensitive Data Disclosure, Inferred Sensitive Data, Insecure Model Output


Application Access Management

  • Control: Application Access Management
  • Ensure that only authorized users and endpoints can access specific resources for authorized actions.
  • Who can implement: Model Consumers
  • Risk mapping: Denial of ML Service, Model Reverse Engineering

User Transparency and Controls

  • Control: User Transparency and Controls
  • Inform users of relevant AI risks with disclosures, and provide transparency and control experiences for use of their data in AI applications.
  • Who can implement: Model Consumers
  • Risk mapping: Sensitive Data Disclosure, Excessive Data Handling

Agent/Plugin User Control

  • Control: Agent/Plugin User Control
  • Ensure user approval for any actions performed by agents/plugins that alter user data or act on the user’s behalf.
  • Who can implement: Model Consumers
  • Risk mapping: Rogue Actions

Agent/Plugin Permissions

  • Control: Agent/Plugin Permissions
  • Use least-privilege principle to minimize the number of tools that an agent/plugin is permitted to interact with and the actions it is allowed to take.
  • Who can implement: Model Consumers
  • Risk mapping: Insecure Integrated System, Rogue Actions


Red Teaming

  • Control: Red Teaming
  • Identify security and privacy improvements through self-driven adversarial attacks on AI infrastructure and products.
  • Who can implement: Model Creators, Model Consumers
  • Risk mapping: All

Vulnerability Management

  • Control: Vulnerability Management
  • Proactively and continually test and monitor production infrastructure and products for security and privacy regressions.
  • Who can implement: Model Creators, Model Consumers
  • Risk mapping: All

Threat Detection

  • Control: Threat Detection
  • Detect and alert on internal or external attacks on AI assets, infrastructure, and products.
  • Who can implement: Model Creators, Model Consumers
  • Risk mapping: All

Incident Response Management

  • Control: Incident Response Management
  • Manage response to AI security and privacy incidents.
  • Who can implement: Model Creators, Model Consumers
  • Risk mapping: All


User Policies and Education

  • Control: User Policies and Education
  • Publish easy to understand AI security and privacy policies and education for users.
  • Who can implement: Model Consumers
  • Risk mapping: Will vary

Internal Policies and Education

  • Control: Internal Policies and Education
  • Publish comprehensive AI security and privacy policies and education for your employees.
  • Who can implement: Model Creators, Model Consumers
  • Risk mapping: All

Product Governance

  • Control: Product Governance
  • Validate that all AI models and products meet the established security and privacy requirements.
  • Who can implement: Model Creators, Model Consumers
  • Risk mapping: All

Risk Governance

  • Control: Risk Governance
  • Inventory, measure, and monitor residual risk to AI in your organization.
  • Who can implement: Model Creators, Model Consumers
  • Risk mapping: All